Monday, 8 December 2014

Sugar and Spice: Rhubarb and Ginger Jam

Rhubarb  Jam

Yes folks, its Rhubarb again! Whilst its not growing at quite the same rate it was a few weeks ago, we still have plenty of Rhubarb to play with. Ed and his family love their jam and so I thought Rhubarb jam would be popular little treat for them. The recipe, like most jam recipes, is really easy. I added ginger, a popular accompaniment to Rhubarb, to add a touch of spiciness to the jam. I must admit, it is one my favourite jams out of all the varieties I've made so far. Here is how I made it.

500g rhubarb
500g jam sugar
4 tsp lemon juice
10 cm fresh ginger

Rhubarb Jam


Chop the rhubarb and heat in a saucepan with a couple of table spoons on water. Chop the ginger finely and add to the saucepan. Cook till the rhubarb and ginger mixture is soft. Add jam sugar and lime juice and cook on moderate to high heat till it gets to boiling point and then continue to cook on moderate to low heat. The sugary mixture will take around 10 minutes to get to setting point.

To test if the jam has set, spoon a small amount of jam onto a pre-cooled ( in the fridge) teaspoon and stick in the fridge for a few minutes. If it solidifies into a jelly like consistency, your jam has set. If not, cook for about 5 more minutes.

Serve with warm or toasted bread. And let me know how you get on! Ann x

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Photography by Edward Chandler
Sugar and Spice: Rhubarb and Ginger Jam
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