Monday, 22 December 2014

DIY Wrapping Paper Art

I'm conscious that ever since the big move to Edinburgh a few weeks ago, I've had a very little time for most things, blogging included. It's been a time of massive change and we've had to downsize and sell most of our 'stuff' before moving up. On the positive, that felt quite liberating. Moving from a suburban house into a 100 something years old tenement flat in the centre of Edinburgh meant our style of decor needed a review too. The hallway in the flat has this quaint pew style sitting area and despite playing with a lot of our art and pictures, nothing seemed to work quite right there. I'd already bought these two beautiful sheets of  London print wrapping paper from Watermark (London Kings Cross) and was planning to create something arty with them: decoupage or framing were the two options I was exploring.  Framing these papers with an aged look felt like the perfect solution.  A trip to Ikea and £14 later, we got two super light frames and this was the result!

London print wrapping paper ( £2.99-£3.50 each from Watermark Kings Cross, Oliver Bonas or
Frames (Ikea, £7 each)

Simply frame and find a suitable place! You could also try framing patterned wrapping paper ( paper chase stock some great ones too) and source frames from charity shops.

This is a really easy and affordable way to update your interiors and I hope you give it a go! Ann x

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DIY Wrapping Paper Art
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