Monday, 22 December 2014

Grape Jelly with Popping Candy

I don't hang about really. After our glorious lunch at Hambleton Hall, I set about trying to re-creating one the little mini-desserts we had with our coffee; the mango jelly with popping candy. We had a grape glut last year which meant I froze a whole bunch. I'd used them in cakes and muffins over the course of the winter but those weren't exciting preparations. On the other hand, posh grape jelly that crackled and popped in your mouth was! Here is how I made it...


500g Grapes or 200ml grape juice
4 tbsp sugar
45g gulaman
Popping candy


Heat the grapes for about 10 minutes with 2 tbsp sugar to extract juice. Filter the juice. Add 45g gulaman to the 200ml of juice. Heat the mixture to a boil whilst stirring constantly.  Pour in a mould to cool. It takes about 40 minutes to set at room temperature but sets much quicker in the fridge. Once set, it is ready to be served. I sliced the jelly into cubes to re-create the Hambleton look. Top with popping candy and serve. This is such a fun and easy dessert to make. I hope you give it a go too. Ann x

Grape Jelly with Popping Candy
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