Saturday, 13 December 2014

National Bible Bee Update||Joshua Semi-Finalist!

(this is Chelsy, updating y'all on the status of the National Bible Bee, which began yesterday in Sevierville, TN. All my info comes via texts received today from the family, and the pictures are courtesy of the Adam's Family, friends of ours who also have several children competing)
This morning was an intense morning of the first round for all three divisions.
All four boys (Joshua-16, Denver-13, Taylor-11, & Hudson-7) had their first oral and written testings.
the senior division, waiting in line today to compete.
Josh stood in line for 3 hours, waiting for his turn to compete! 
(there he is, about eight people down the row...)
Tonight was the first big event where everyone gathered together to hear the results from today's testing.
There were 120 contestants in each category, and tonight the top 15 scores from each category were announced as the semi-finalists.
We (Chels, Mitchell, Allison, Carson, Liz, & Rebecca) were at church tonight working on Christmas Play recording and set construction when we got the text,
Excitement is running high as Joshua has made it to the semi-finals and will be competing in the next round tomorrow!
Please join with us in praying for him!
And congrats to all of our friends who made it to semi-finals, too!
Happy faces and rejoicing for those semi-finalist seniors! (maroon shirts)
National Bible Bee Update||Joshua Semi-Finalist!
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