Saturday, 15 November 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

What a weekend!  We had a  b l a s t  with some very dear ladies.  Our mother worked at a daycare with these ladies when they were all young and wild.  Wait....they're still wild.  Maybe not as young as then?  But pretty young at heart.  Anyways, for the last number of years they've had a tradition of visiting us on Memorial Day weekend.  Marilyn drives to Danelda's house, then they make the trek here to spend the weekend.  We absolutely love having them here!  They are not only our mother's friends, but like dear aunts to us.  And I commence the story with photos:
"The weekend" has a plethora of traditions that have started over the years- one of them is that Aunt Dee brings tons of crafty stuff for us to make cards with.  

Another tradition: Supper at the campsite.  The night was lovely.  Perfect for sitting around the fire laughing and eating all things yummy.  
Grilled food courtesy of Marilyn and Denver.  
the line-up of trucks:)
Our grill-out Menu:
*hamburgers with Chelsy's home-made buns (THE best, I might add)
*pasta salad
*baked beans
*grilled asparagus
*sugar free home-made ice-cream and chocolate sauce (not pictured)
these don't last long around here!
Carson clearing more space.

the little, ever growing bigger, boys.
the BIG boys.  Man, these guys can put the food away like nobody's business!  I love watching it disappear.  Even more, I like making it for them.  I mean, they are SO fun to cook for!  They love whatever I make, pretty much never complain about food, and are grateful for it!  Just today after lunch, the kitchen was a wreck, and Josh was eating late, and after he finished, he put away his food, and cleaned up the island.  I was so impressed.  These guys are gonna make some girls amazing husbands someday!
memory.......let's just say I don't think Marilyn won this one!  
Marilyn, Becky (mother), and Danelda

-posted by Allison
Memorial Day Weekend
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