Sunday, 23 November 2014

Father's Day Celebration

Since we have the very best father in all of the world......we thought it fitting to celebrate in style.  We actually had two concerts to do on Father's Day, so we decided to celebrate early.  

We went to a campground some friends recommended.  It was a beautiful place with lots of trees and walking trails, a gorgeous river, and a rather "wild Canadian" feel about it.:)  We were thrilled with the opportunity to rest away from civilization for a few hours.  The previous days had been intense, and it was good to spend some time just us.

The food. 

Diggin' in!

So, the "Father's Day Party" part was a surprise for Dad.  After supper we pulled out the cones and ice-cream and told dad that we were celebrating him!

Not sure about the facial expression here....maybe a failed attempt at a smile?

Mother made sure to buy a carton of Dad's favorite ice-cream flavor- butter pecan.

The gifts.
Rebecca had been anticipating Father's Day for weeks; she brought along a special snail shell to give her daddy.:)  It was quite cute how excited she was to give it and how thrilled Dad was to receive it.:)

Dad has this "thing"- he likes to shake and feel his gifts, then guess what they may be. 

Peanut m&m's.....his favorite candy.

He was obviously quite excited about the pens.  

This shirt was a perfect gift for Dad.  The shirt just says it all.....this is how we feel about our father.  I'm so grateful to have a dad who is a real hero.  A man who loves his wife and children so much, my father is what you could truly call "a Family Man".  His time isn't all taken up by hobbies and friends.  His family is his hobby; we are his friends.(so I guess his time is taken up like that, after all.)   Dad has never been one to buy many things for himself.  And when he does buy or even receive something, he usually shares it.  My dad rarely complains about anything.  He's taught us to be optimistic and dream big.  Another thing I love about my father is how humble he is.  He doesn't think he's big stuff (though he definitely is!), and he's always open to new ideas, and even criticism.  I love how he doesn't mind when us kids ask questions or even disagree with him on things.  That's just how he is- approachable.   


We did get stuck on the way out of the park!  But, thanks to a pull from the park ranger's truck, my brothers' guiding from outside the bus, and my dad's expert driving and backing skills, we were able to get out of the soft ground, onto the gravel, and out of the park!  It just made for more memories, I guess.:)

-posted by Allison
Father's Day Celebration
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