Thursday, 15 January 2015

H&M Margiela Review: Quirky vs. Kooky

I was super excited to finally receive my H&M Margiela goodies in the post the other day. Rather than trundling down to London and battling die hard fans in the stores, I chose to stay home and attack via the laptop. I even had Ed lined up to select items should he manage to get through the online queue first. My approach was to buy the items I liked before they sold out as I knew I could always cancel the order or return them. I bought both the red hitched up dress and the blue horizontal dress but am unsure about the wearabilty of either. With the blue dress, it was impossible to figure out how to get into it in the first place; the fake arms totally confused me. Both were loose fits and the red dress was definitely a trip hazard for petite moi.

I was lucky enough to also bag the candy clutch (in both pink and silver) which I am uber excited about. It's large enough to fit lots of 'stuff' and I can see myself using it as a day bag, just to make me smile on the inside :). What do you make of the collaboration? Would you wear the kooky blue dress? Ann x

H&M Margiela Review: Quirky vs. Kooky
Rating: 100% based on 975 ratings. 91 user reviews.

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