Thursday, 23 October 2014

//Photo Update//

I know, we're been rather silent for several weeks here on the blog!  The week following Labor Day, we had some lovely company, varied preparations for family camp, and packing for a two week trip.  Since then we've been traveling and all that.  But, as of this morning, we are back home and settling into farm life.  We are ready to share some of the un-posted adventures of the last month, so stay tuned!  

For now, here are a few photos from the latter part of our trip.  And, a big thanks to all the sweet friends who hosted us on this trip.  We were overwhelmed by your hospitality and kindness!

Liz & Rebs always love some girl time playin' dolls with friends.:)
What could be better than delicious lunch + perfect weather + dear friends?!
dear little people......wonder what all they were discussing here?:)
The guys had a great time doing a little shooting.
This group of younguns' had quite a party singing to the neighbors!
random photo of the bus parked by a corn field.....
We had to have a photo with these lovely ladies.....I mean, we all matched!!!  
lovely little country church
Mother with friends
We don't seem to get photos very often of us singing, but here's one someone snapped at a recent concert.  I love singing "Heaven Came Down" in four part harmony with some of my favorite people.

{posted by Allison}
//Photo Update//
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